We have now completed our snow removal operations.
Thank you and have a good day!
Considering that our operators have already been working for several hours, for security reasons, we will interrupt our operations for the moment. We will be back tonight to remove the snowbanks left by the city plow.
The finishing pass will begin Monday from 9:00 a.m. If you want a complete cleaning, please move your vehicles before the arrival of our operator.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
This is a reminder that our priority today will be to swiftly provide access to your entrances. Please leave your cars parked in the driveway so as not to obstruct municipal clearing operations. Complete snow removal of your driveways will only be done during the finishing pass Monday morning.
Visibility is very poor, please be careful and do not let your children play outside without supervision
Thank you for your cooperation.
Our operations will begin at 10:00 a.m. following the city plows and will continue throughout the afternoon. The weather forecast predicts a significant amount of precipitation today. We would like to inform you that delays may be expected as heavy accumulations require more operation time. The passes will be brief, the final and complete cleaning will only be carried out during the finishing pass tomorrow morning as of 9:00 a.m.
We will keep you posted of any changes.
Thank you.
The weather forecast predicts a significant amount of precipitation tomorrow. We therefore wish to provide an update regarding the planned snow removal procedures.
Snow removal will be done in stages. We will be in operation during the night from Wednesday to Thursday.
Thursday's visits will be brief and aim to allow access to your driveway.
We will carry out a snowbank cleaning early in the night from Thursday to Friday to allow you to go to work.
A final cleaning will only be carried out Friday morning starting at 9 a.m.
Please wait until the finishing pass to carry out your shoveling. MANUAL SHOVELING PILES SLOW OUR OPERATIONS IF THEY ARE NOT DONE AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME.
We will keep you posted if anything changes.
We thank you very much for your understanding.